[letting go]

6:30 AM

so it started out with this question. "can we play with play-doh?" now all i am thinking about at this point is how i let them play with play-doh last week and it ended up being the messiest experience yet. so my answer was quickly, "no". at this point they are digging thru my craft cabinet in the kitchen. that is never a good sign. next question, "can't we put together this plane model and paint it?" yikes now i'm thinking about how long that could take and well we are trying stay with in the small time period of rowan's nap. so of course my answer is "no, sorry that takes way too long." now, i'm like trying to encourage them to go play down in the play room or find some books to read. my kids were not having that. they absolutely love art & crafts. so another question came out of my sweet son's mouth nervously, "so so um..maybe we can paint?" oh man. i love to paint. i love art. i just doing like doing art with little kids. haha. 
1) i'm a little bit of a control freak. i always seem to want to take over there projects or encourage them to do it the "right" way.  2) creates such big mess. you have to pull out so much and well my house is already a mess i don't really like adding to it.

i know. not really good enough reasons to not let them paint. that came to me quickly too . i needed to be thinking about how they would really enjoy getting to experiment with colors, eye and hand coordination, allowing to them express feelings through art, and that i could even make it into a little art/bible lesson. ok...so letting go. letting go to control. 

so not only did this become a lesson for the kids, but it was a lesson for me as well. we had so much fun. 

made many beautiful pictures. talked about how God expresses his love for us. which led to joy drawing this great picture of a vine and pretty flowers. and i asked her about it. and she told me that God was the vine. so you know where i had to go with that. i pulled out my bible and read
 John 15:1-17 to them. but specifically i read twice

"i am the vine; you are the branches. whoever abides in me and i in him; he it is bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." verse 5



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  1. rachel, you are such a good mom. Proud of you for stepping aside to allow the little ones to flourish. And it sure looks like they did! I learn from this post to not hover and have my hands in my children's stuff so much and allow them to be creative, no matter how messy. thank you.

  2. oh, and I LOVE caleb's new hair cut. I was planning on getting the exact same one for benjamin. It looks sharp!


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