[ finding stillness in the chaos ]

11:32 AM

as a mom i feel like you are pushed into a crazy schedule. its no longer about yourself but about your kids. mine wake me up at 6:30am - i head to their room to find clothes for the day - then downstairs for breakfast - many morning i have to make sure everything is ready for caleb to go to school. i have just enough time to throw on some clothes give my son rowan a bottle and get them in the car. for some, this is probably not a big deal. i definitely had to let go of looking nice all the time and having everything in its right place. yes, i was one of those mom's until i had my third child. i now feel like everything is everywhere and most morning i'm running out in my sweatshirt and jeans. 

i'm so thankful that the Lord knows what i need. Through out the day i'm always searching for that little piece of quietness just to gather my thoughts, composure, a word of prayer...anything that will give me a tiny boost of energy to face my loud children. and lately, God has been so gracious to give me at least an hour of all three kiddies taking a nap at the same time. now this doesn't happen every day but maybe twice a week. i'm realizing how important that hour is that i can refocus my attention on the Lord. i'm not going to lie. its not always the first thing that i want to do. i look at my house and see the pile of clean clothes that need to be folded or the dirty dishes that need to get washed; and think that it is more of a priority to get done. so that when tim, my husband, gets home he sees i haven't been doing nothing. but he reminded me that it is way more important to seek time with the Lord. the house will always be here to clean, but quiet time is short. building any relationship takes time. where would my relationship be going if i just gave Him a few minutes out of my day? not very far.

"but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." -Matthew 6:33

thank you Lord for being so gracious. For giving exactly what i need and the exact moment i need it. 


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  1. Rachel, I am so glad you are doing this! I love it! Can't wait to read your heart. Keep em' coming.

    1. Thanks Jana!! its been a long time thinking about it but never sure if I want to make myself that vulnerable. thanks for the encouragement!


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